10 Reasons You Should Use iReCalc - Part 1

10 Reasons You Should Use iReCalc - Part 2

Pocket Jukebox - Coin Mode

Pocket Jukebox Demonstration

Dec 30, 2009

Functionalities added on iReCalc Ver.2.00

**From Ver.2.03, up to four layers of nested functions are supported. A calculation like √(log(exp(sin1.5))) is possible.

1. The following functions are inserted like as ordinary formula, then enter "=".

Example: log5.3 cos(√3) √(exp2+ln3)
2. The following functions are inserted as stated on the buttons.

rad(°): degree to radian, deg(rad): radian to degree
Example: rad50 deg0.87 ( or rad(50) deg(0.87) )
Enter sin(rad50) if it"s used in a trigonometric function

3. The following functions are inserted as each specific formula, then enter each function button.

1/x: After entering x number, tap "1/x".
Σ: Sigma (summation). Enter "start number:end number:formula with k"
Example: 1:10:k^3 = 1^3+2^3+3^3+4^3+.....+10^3

n!: Factorial. 5! means 1×2×3×4×5. After entering n number, tap "n!".

nPr: Permutation. Enter "n:r"

nCr: Combination. Enter "n:r"

4. "5%", "+5%" and "-5%" are sales tax calculation. Although default figure is 5%, you can change it by setting "Tax" on preference view.
In sales tax calculation, although the result is shown on Multi window and Answer window, the formula on Formula window doesn't change. Therefore, you can calculate multiple results without re-entering the formula.

Example: Sales tax for $10 item ( in case of 9.5% sales tax)
Enter 10 and tap "9.5%" -> (10)×0.095 = 0.95
Example: Tax-add price for $10 item ( in case of 9.5% sales tax)
Enter 10 and tap "+9.5%" -> (10)+0.95 = 10.95
Example: Before-tax price for $10(included tax) item ( in case of 9.5% sales tax)
Enter 10 and tap "-9.5%" -> (10)-0.86 = 9.14

5. Window size change
Before Ver.2, for changing window size, you have to use the slider in preference view. From Ver. 2, you can resize the window by swiping it.
First, tap the right half of Answer window and memory copy buttons are shown. During these buttons are shown, the windows are scalable.
When the Vertical window is displayed, you can swipe the window to the left or right. For Horizontal window, swipe to up or down.
If you double tap on the window, you can exchange between Vertical and Horizontal window.

5. Button swap
The number, operator and function buttons are transferable except "Next (Prev)" button.
To do this, use "Swap" button. You can find this button if you tap "Next" on the right side keypad.
Tap "Swap" button and select two buttons as following the message. You can select the buttons by swiping the keypad and changing page by "Next (Prev)".

Since the location of swapped buttons are saved, it is loaded on next execution. Also, if you want to select from different button setting, you can save by creating a new "Preference File" in preference mode. If you create Preference File, you can change settings by tapping "Select" button which is next to "Swap" button.

Dec 23, 2009

iReCalc Ver.2.0

Ver.2.00 Enhancement

- Following functions are supported:
π, radian to degree, degree to radian, log, ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, 1/x, Σ, factorial, permutation, combination, sales tax calculation ( tax amount, addition, subtraction )

- Add Function Mode which includes following:
Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Progressive Calculation, Depreciation ( Straight-Line, Declining-Balance ), Loan ( Mortgage, Equal Principal, Add-on ) & Amortization, Duration ( Time, Days ), Weekday Lookup. ( Planning to add more on version up )

- Made keypad scrollable and added landscape view.

- Made keypad button transferable. You can change most of button location, save original key assignment as a preference file, and switch them easily.

- Renew preference setting view and supports following:
Button Image, Button Title Color, Background, Window Background, Window Text Color, Fractional Digits & Rounding, Font, Sound, Tax, Rounding for Function Mode, Holiday Status, Preference File Edit, Top Bar Color

- Fix the following bug:
When entering substitutes to variables, the program is terminated if recalculation is tried after deleted substitutes with delete button.